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Carrie J. Richter, for the book's cover design. Carrie's website is


Anders Knutsson, on whose painting The Treaty Oak, Jacksonville, the book's cover photo is based. 


Nancy Quatrano, of WC Publishing, an On-Target Word Company, for her extraordinary determination to publish Redfish Oak while simultaneously juggling countless other worthy literary projects.


Charles A. Tingley, Robert F. Nawrocki, and Debra Willis of the St. Augustine Historical Society.


David Nolan, St. Augustine author and lecturer on historic, architectural, and literary subjects., for reviewing an early draft of Redfish Oak.


William Carr, Professor of Zoology, University of Florida, and former Director of the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, for his expertise on 19th Century flora and fauna in St. Augustine and on Anastasia Island.


John Bacon, Historian of the St. Augustine Yacht Club. 


Lt. Col. Gregory Moore (ret.), Florida National Guard Historian.


Tour Guides at the Castillo de San Marcos.


Members of the Florida National Society of Colonial Dames of America. 


Marcella Matthaei, for her keen editorial skills in manuscript preparation.  

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